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Jaden Smith

The Contradictory Mindset of a Christian Scientist

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Have you ever felt like everything you are taught is the opposite of what faith says? For a long time that is what I struggled to unionize. Was it possible to have a love for science, the facts and proof of evidence for everything to be "reliable", and for faith where it is just believing with no "proof"?

During my senior year of high school, I knew I loved Jesus, but was frightened to share my faith with some. I didn't want to get ridiculed for believing in the unseen, especially since I was known for "someday becoming a doctor". It was probably more of a stigma I put on myself rather than others put on me, but it was definitely a mental battle.

I have also ALWAYS been a very logical, methodical, and analytical thinker. I was the odd kid who knew all 206 bones of the body by the time I was 5, started reading my mama's nursing textbooks by the age of 6, and listened to college level calculus and quantum physics lectures to go to sleep.

It wasn't until I decided to attend a Christian University where I truly got to see how faith can be proven by science. One of the most profound lectures I attended, my professor always began lecture with a biblical science fact and then went on to lecture. The lecture was quite boring all about the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain which to this day I still struggle to remember the details mentioned because his 5 minute biblical science fact got me thinking.

He said "Did you know Goliath had acromegaly?" For my non-science folks, that is a condition causing enlarged extremities, and can cause double vision. In the realm of faith and the church, the story of David and Goliath is one where a little boy defeats goliath a giant with the use of 5 measly stones and a slingshot. It is found in 1 Samuel chapter 17. In our eyes it appears as a complete miracle because the strength of the giant far outweighed the stones of a kid, and it had to be God to allow the precision of the stone to hit right in his forehead and defeat the giant. The story is a great example of bravery, courage, and faith that our obstacles (our giants) although may seem unobtainable can be defeated with God's help.

In science however, because the fact that Goliath had acromegaly, he couldn't see the stone that was coming straight at him. Science says, he was defeated because of his lack of visualization and consequently the force of the rock toppled him over. With the accuracy of the rock and the knowledge that Goliath was at a "disadvantage" the daunting obstacle becomes less daunting.

The entire class, I was like "wow, David beat Goliath because of the acromegaly". However, if you think about it, it is still a miracle of God. The accuracy of the shot couldn't have been just pure luck. Yes! Science had a huge role in defeating Goliath, but the ultimate reason had to be God.

My mind likes to consolidate my faith with the proof of science. Interestingly, even people who try to disprove faith often times can't because science proves faith! Is my mindset truly contradictory? I don't think so, I have learned that society calls it controversial, but in reality they are in pretty good parallel.


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